Hi, I’m Sara!

I have been married for 15 years, and I am mother to three amazing kids. I’m also follower of Jesus and someone who has been writing on and off for sometime now.

When I was in 8th grade my grandma committed to taking me 30 minutes across town to youth group for whole year! That was the year Jesus saved me-it was radical! I still remember many of things that were taught that year in youth group.

My senior year in high school was hard but, Jesus radically moved in my heart in so many ways. I wasn’t perfect, in fact I struggled with many insecurities and deeply rooted lies that God has had to work to remove from my heart even to this day. I messed up quite a few times (including doing wrong by others) but, I’m thankful for God’s sufficient grace that washes over me when I think about my high school years.

I went to Calvary Chapel Bible College a year after graduation and went to their campus In Jerusalem. I remember someone asking me two weeks in what I thought about living in Israel. I remember saying “my heart has been branded with Israel on it.” To this day, I have a deep indwelling love for Israel and her people! This is where my love for Jesus and the his word flourished! I had an amazing opportunity to be taught by Jesus filled teachers who helped me understand the word which in turn fueled my love for Jesus.

Both my husband and I have had opportunities to serve in missions including mentoring and raising up young adults to go out and serve internationally. I am a firm believer in mentorship and discipleship! In 2014, we lived in Hungary with our two year old daughter at the time which was altogether amazing and challenging. I like to say that, I needed so much work in my heart that God had to send me to bible college twice! Eastern Europe holds a very special place in our hearts.

Sadly though, the door closed shut for us to be there as the church who supported us decided to move on. We have been back state side since 2015. Recently, we had a BIG move in our lives and we currently reside in Idaho. My husband is currently serving as the youth and family pastor for our church in Boise.

I’m a lover of Jesus and His word above all else! Writing has become a passion for me, a muscle if you will, that I am choosing to allow God to develop.

I love that you have joined me on this journey! May God richly bless you in all the places you go and in all the things you do today!

2 Corinthians 2:15

“For we are to God,

The Fragrance

of Christ…”